Privacy Policy

Effective: May 25th, 2018


By using our traconfly app (the “App”), future products, services or features we develop and introduce, or our website (together the “Services”), you consent to the collection, processing and disclosure of data concerning you in accordance with this privacy policy. This document sets forth our practices in respect to information including personally identifiable data ("Personal Data") and other information that is collected from you when using the Services.

We respect your privacy and integrity and strive to take the best care when we collect, store, use and protect your Personal Data according to this Privacy Policy. The use of our Services may result in collection of Personal Data and other information from you, as further described below:

We’ve updated our policy to support the implementation of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which regulates the control and/or processing of personal data or data subjects in the European Union. Even though the new regulations apply to the EU, we are making these improvements for all our users world wide.

Data collection and processing

traconfly collects data from your phone to provide you with an easy way to track your mobile devices. When you install, run or use our services we collect:


Our system starts to collect location data from sources such as GPS, Wi-Fi and cell towers once you install the App and consent to the App’s tracking your location. We also collect Wi-Fi network IDs you have connected. You may choose to stop our collection of location data through the the App, or by removing the App from your phone.

Information you provide.

If you choose to create an account, you provide us your email and a password.

Information from your device.

This includes information about your operating system, device identifier, wi-fi or other network connections, or other data that you permit the App to access on your device including through permissions on your device.

IP Address

The app may use your device's IP address in order to help get a location, or to record records of when and where your device communicated with our servers.

Communications with us.

If you communicate with us, we collect the information and content you provide to us, including personally identifying information such as your name, email or other contact information. You can provide anonymous feedback by using an email account that does not reveal your identity.

How we use information

All data is either stored locally on your device or on our secure web-servers. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to assist you in locating your devices.

We process and use the information we collect about you in a variety of ways. The primary purpose is to provide you with an easy way to track your mobile devices. We upload your information from your device over a secured connection to our servers in order to analyze the data and identify your routes and places. Results are stored on our servers so that you can view and interact with them through the App's website. If you create geo-fences on the website we also collect and store that information.

Other ways we use your data include to develop aggregated analyses and reports that help us improve our algorithms, measure and understand how our Services are used, and to develop new products, services and features such as by recognizing popular activities, routes, areas and places. We also use your information to communicate with you, such as by sending you notifications and service-related messages, or by responding to your requests and questions.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

We may collect information about your use of our Services through the use of cookies, pixels or similar technologies. For example, we may use this information to provide or improve our Services, for measurement and analytics to better understand how our services function and are used, or for internal operations. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your mobile phone, computer, or other device. Pixels, often used in connection with cookies, are small instances of code placed in webpages that do things like allow another server to measure how frequently webpages are viewed and used.

Third parties may also use cookies to collect information about your activities on our website. Your browser or device may offer you control over the use cookies or other technologies when you use the Services. For example, you may be able to set your browser or device to disable, clear, reset or block the use of cookies or similar technologies.

Sharing data with third parties

To provide and support the services we provide to you, information we collect and receive may be disclosed to third parties in and out of the European Economic Area as (i) described in this policy, (ii) if you otherwise give your consent, or (iii) if the disclosure is legally required.

We may disclose information about you or your use of our Services to service providers or other partners that work on our behalf to support our business (e.g. information processing and storage, provide place recommendations, map thumbnails, and measuring the performance of our App).

We may share information, including personally identifying information, with our Affiliates to help provide, understand, and improve our Services.

We may access, use, preserve, and share your information, including your personally identifying information, with third parties when we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activity; protect ourselves, you and others, including as part of investigations; or prevent death or imminent bodily harm. We may also share such information if we believe that you have abused your rights to use the Services or violated an applicable law, or in connection with any dispute between you and us with respect to the Services.

If we sell all or part of our business, make a sale or transfer of assets, are otherwise involved in a merger or business transfer, or in the event of bankruptcy, we may disclose and transfer your personally identifying information to one or more third parties as part of that transaction.

We may also generally disclose aggregate or anonymous information where reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the data does not contain your personally identifying information.

The security of our systems

We use third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking,storage, and related technology required to provide the service. By submitting your personally identifying information, you agree to this. We use commercially reasonable physical and technical safeguards to secure your data. We encrypt the communication channels using modern cryptography methods. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your data, which may be compromised by unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors.

Data retention and deletion

We may retain information regarding you and your use of the Services, including personally identifying information, for as long as needed to provide you with the Services and the uses described in this Privacy Policy. This often means that we will keep information for the duration of your account. If you choose, you may use the Delete Account / Data Settings in the App's website to request the deletion of your information and your traconfly account.

Right to be forgotten

You have the right to control your data. To remove all data stored about a device you may delete that device from your Traconfly account. When you delete a device from your account all data associated with that device will be removed from our servers. This is permanent and can not be undone. If you wish to remove all data about yourself, you can delete your account and all data for all devices and your account will be removed from our servers.

Log Files

As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, the browser you used to visit the site, the time and which pages you visited throughout our site. The information we collect is used for internal review and troubleshooting and is then deleted.


The website uses Service cookies that help us improve the provided service. They are mainly used for remembering your registration and login details and settings preferences. Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. Switching off cookies may restrict your use of the website.

Third party links

We may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.

Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

Our Services are not directed towards and may not be used by persons under 16. By installing the app or using the website you acknowledge that you own the device, or have permission to install the app on that device. You also agree that you are at least 16 years of age. Persons under the age of 16 must get parents or gaurdians consent before using the app, or installing it on their device

We are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 16. If we learn that we have collected the personal information of a child under 16, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Your Consent

By using our app or site, you consent to our privacy policy. If you would like to withdraw your consent to use our website or app, please contact us at

Changes to our privacy policy

We reserve the right to alter our privacy policy at any time. We will notify you of any alterations with reasonable notice through the service, such as by posting it on our website, by email, or otherwise. If you do not agree to the altered privacy policy, you may stop using our Services.

© traconfly Team, 2018. All rights reserved.